As you already know, I was born on Friday, March 9th, 2001 at 1:05 pm at Brockton Hospital (Brockton, Massachusetts). 

On my first day here is what I looked like . . .

This is me on my first day in the world (pictured left).  So far, so good. I just had my first meal (4:45pm) and now I am catching some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Here I am just a few hours after my arrival with the doctor who helped bring me into this world (pictured right). Her name is Doctor Kimberly Dever.

Look at me now . . . . Red skin, puffy eyelids, swollen cheeks and a lovely cone-shaped head that you can't see because its covered by my little white gauze hat.  I am definately styling and just a few hours old. 

FYI: I was born in room 406 on the maternity ward, but later Daddy, Mommy and I stayed in room 411. I came home from the hospital on March 11. You can look at my room when I came home.

Learn more about me.

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