Hi Again! 
My name is James Patrick Noonan, III named after my Grandfather and my Uncle. But my friends and family call me Jay.  That way I won't get confused with the other 2 James in the family.

The week I was born. . .  there was a Noreaster snow storm. I remember because everyone was worried about getting me to the hospital.

On the day I was born . . . I had fuzzy light brown hair, blue/gray eyes, a cleft in my chin (just like my daddy) and really big hands and big feet. (My Daddy tells me that having big hands and big feet is a good thing!)

  Here is more information about my birth:
Born: March 9, 2001 
(I share my birthday with my Uncle Jamie)
At: 1:05 pm
Birth Weight: 9 pounds, 11 ounces (I was a big boy!)
Discharge Weight:
Blood Type:
Delivered by: Kimberly Dever, MD
Location: Brockton Hospital (Brockton, Massachusetts)

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